I only posted about five minutes ago, but I came across a fabulous tip here, on the Simple Green Frugal Co-op blog (a great blog co-authored by lots of eco/frugal/self sufficient types) and had to share.
Basically, save cores and peels from all your apples (you could use my vegetable stock tip, and keep a tupperware in the freezer and pop in the cores/peel as you get them - I've heard that freezing denatures pectin, but it hasn't affected any of my jam so far). When you've got a sensible amount, add spices (if wanted) and sugar, and cook over a very low heat for aaaaaaages. There are more detailed instructions on this site.
Efficient sufficient, or what? I'm going to my mother's this week, and she has a couple of trees weighed down with ripe apples at the moment, so I'm on the hunt for apple recipes. If anyone's got any more, feel free to chuck them this way!
I promise to leave you alone until morning now.
Basically, save cores and peels from all your apples (you could use my vegetable stock tip, and keep a tupperware in the freezer and pop in the cores/peel as you get them - I've heard that freezing denatures pectin, but it hasn't affected any of my jam so far). When you've got a sensible amount, add spices (if wanted) and sugar, and cook over a very low heat for aaaaaaages. There are more detailed instructions on this site.
Efficient sufficient, or what? I'm going to my mother's this week, and she has a couple of trees weighed down with ripe apples at the moment, so I'm on the hunt for apple recipes. If anyone's got any more, feel free to chuck them this way!
I promise to leave you alone until morning now.