Things I hate about having external childcare:
- Days when Teddy's a bit under the weather (like last week) when I spend all day wondering whether he's getting enough cuddles (I know full well that he is - my childminder is fabulous).
- Having to rush ourselves out of the door at 8am when we want to have a lazy morning. More of a winter problem than a summer one...
- No one saying "neenawneenaw" (new word) with a look of glee on their face when I walk past the fire station on the way home from dropping him off, or saying "mamamamamamamama" when asked to say anything other than neenaw. I think he may have worked out that an attempt at saying Mummy will brighten up almost any situation.
- Turning this
into a quilt top in two days flat. - Walking just that little bit faster on the way to pick him up. It's exciting seeing your baby after seven hours off!
- Having a cup of tea and a slice of cake in s i l e n c e (except possibly for the faint strains of Radio Four, my other constant companion).
- Seeing him so desperate to get cracking on his day with his childminder that he waves me off with both hands as soon as he lands in her house.