Yay, we have a finished item from the 2011: a year of hand making list! These are Christmas socks for my father. And yup, I'm able to model them because our feet are more or less identically sized. I'm trying to convince myself it's because his feet are freakishly small rather than mine being freakishly large, but really (if my shoe shopping experiences over the years are to be believed), it's the latter.
The socks are from this pattern, and my Ravelry project page is here. And can I just say how incredibly useful it was to have the notes from the last time I knitted Daddy a pair of socks (on Ravelry here) to refer back to, to make sure I did the right size. Yet another reason to adore Ravelry. Now if only someone would come up with a quilting version...
Of course, most important about this project is that it marks the first finished item from the 2011 list. It feels like I'm a long way from even achieving the items on the January list, but a surprising number of them are a good way through, and I'm optimistic that although I might not get every last item finished, I will achieve pretty much everything I want to. Again, I have to say what a brilliant focus this list is giving me so far, and how I'm really enjoying having my hand making time just a little bit more structured (although I do have to remind myself every now and then that there's no pressure to finish everything on the list if I don't have time).
Love the sox. Feet small, not freakish. Some people have said I have v. handsome feet. They're good for walking. DDDY
Posted by: eric dymock | 01/20/2011 at 09:58 AM