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hi there. i'm finishing up my own tea leaves! it is such a great pattern. i am also pregnant (26 weeks) and have been dealing with really painful pain from my pelvis, sort of in the area of my groin, but its a ligament. anyways, i had the same problem with my fist pregnancy and i went to a chiropractor for the first time in my life and after 2 visits, they had realigned my hips and pubic bone and i am feeling so much better. have you tried this? is it the same type of pain? my hips pop every night too when i roll over (which i hate) but i feel better after. how far along are you?


Yowch, that sounds painful! I had a really easy pregnancy first time round, so it's come as a real surprise to have any discomfort this time. I'm 29 weeks, so not tooooo much longer to go :)

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